Farmers in Mohmand Agency FATA have been instructed by Political Administration and security forces not to grow maize crop or fodder for cattle. This is only source of income of people of area in question. In most parts of the FATA security forces cut all types of herbs and shrubs and trees. This was exercised in an area where state has neither provided electricity nor gas facility to inmates. on one hand almost all leading and famous crossing points at Durand line with Afghanistan were closed by Pakistan across the FATA and other Pashtun areas. These crossing points were used for trade purposes by people of FATA. On other hand people of FATA were ordered not to grow maize crops on pretext of security though all terrorists are roaming freely in streets and roads of all big cities of Pakistan and their centers are also known. Racial profiling of people of Pakhtunkhwa province and FATA is also a continued process in almost all cities of Punjab and sindh alike. In own villages and home towns people of FATA are not allowed to grow crops. What people will do in such circumstances?. It means social and economic death of people is committed by state and its institutions. State must differentiate between terrorist and common people. We demand government to provide electricity, gas facility and internet so that people of FATA could be in contact with world out side of FATA.
By Zar Ali Khan Afridi
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